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Nobody likes paying tax but it is a complicated subject. With a little help and guidance, we may be able to help you reduce your tax bill and ensure that when you eventually pass away, your family benefits fully from your hard earned savings without the tax man taking a big share of your money.
*FCA does not regulate tax advice


    Inheritance Tax (IHT) is a tax paid to the Government when you die on everything you own. As long as the total value of what you leave behind is less than £325,000 per person (2013/14 tax year), there won’t currently be any inheritance tax to pay. This is known as the nil rate band i.e. from £0 – £325,000. The nil rate band for inheritance tax and the rate of tax is usually set by the Chancellor each year in the budget. Any assets above the nil rate band could be taxed at a whopping 40%.


    It used to be, but not any longer. Soaring house prices in recent years has meant many more of us will be affected by inheritance tax. When you also include the value of your other belongings such as your car, jewellery, furniture and so on, it’s easy to see you could be worth much more than you think.


    These are just some of the ways of mitigating Inheritance Tax and Inshore IFA can help you find a suitable solution to your inheritance tax problem, taking into account your current and future needs. This is a highly specialised area of planning and should not be entered into without financial advice.

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Do you have savings earning very little in the bank or building society and wonder what other options are available? Do you have investments and are unsure how they are doing and whether your money is in the best place for your requirements? All investments carry an element of risk, we will help you invest at an appropriate risk level for you. Have you just received a lump sum from inheritance, property sale, pension fund or anywhere else and are unsure what to do now? We can help you make the right decisions.

When it comes to your investments we want to help you get more for your money and reach your financial goals. On a one to one basis, our advisers undertake a review of your personal circumstances and help you make investment decisions crucial to your financial needs. Investment plans can vary greatly and as such, our advisers are best placed to match the right plan to your own objectives.


    Our advisers have a wealth of expertise when it comes to realising your objectives and the best methods of achieving them


    Using a financial adviser offers you a level of protection in case things don’t go to plan


    Advisers are best placed to do a risk assessment to see exactly how much you can afford to invest each month.

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It is a daunting time when you are approaching retirement and you want to ensure you are making the right decisions with all the money you have accumulated in your pension funds from hard earned income over your working life. This money needs to last you for the rest of yours, and possibly your partner’s life so it is important to get these decisions right and you could be faced with a minefield of information and options. We can help you to see the wood for the trees and make informed choices for your future security.


For wealthier people, and self-employed professionals, of course, reliance on the state has never been a viable option, and personal saving, via pension plans and other investments, has always been essential to ensure a comfortable old age.

In recent years, caps on contributions, excessive charges, heavier taxation, financial scandals, and the corrosive combination of simultaneously falling stockmarkets and annuity rates have all taken their toll on retirement funds, and you may be concerned as to whether your existing provision remains adequate and is structured to best advantage. Alternatively, you may be confused about the merits of your various pension providers or unclear as to which of the available retirement income options is best for you.

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We would all like to retire and not suffer a reduction in our standard of living due to insufficient income. We are sure you are aware this takes careful planning, management and investing your retirement savings in the most tax efficient way. If you need help with any of this or are unsure where to start or turn next, we can help. To build up a good pension and secure your future plans, you’ll want to make sure you’re receiving the best advice to maximise your returns.

start planning for the future

Pension funds offer a much wider range of investment opportunities than ever before, with Self Invested Personal Pension Plans giving you greater influence over decisions relating to your funds. You can even set up a pension for your grandchildren and start saving for their future too.

  • Prepare well

    Preparing well for later life so you have a nest egg which allows you to enjoy your retirement without worrying about finances

  • Advantages of pension investment

    The Government may give you 20% extra of what you put in.

  • Benefits

    When you retire you can get up to 25% of the amount back tax free

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At Tudor, we have a wealth of experience in finding the most appropriate and competitive life assurance, critical illness or accident and sickness policies from across the whole marketplace to suit your needs and budget. We are fully independent so if you are worried about how you or your family might cope financially should disaster strike, we can help.

There are a variety of different insurance types that you can have in place to keep you and your family protected and we’re here to help select the ones best for you.

We all take so much for granted; the fact that we take out insurance policies on cars, homes and holidays is a given. Nobody knows what the future holds and life can be unpredictable. Imagine how you and your family would cope financially if you were to die prematurely or be diagnosed with a critical illness and be unable to work. Who would provide the income? How would you pay those crucial bills?


    This is typically a lump sum given upon the death of the person who’s insured. It can help to provide for your family should the worst happen.


    Surviving a serious illness can have a big financial impact on you, your family and your finances. You may still have a mortgage and bills to pay, but may not be getting paid for your time off work. Critical illness is there to provide the funds, usually as a lump sum, for this very situation.


    What would you do if an accident or illness meant your salary was cut? Income protection provides security for you and your family should the unfortunate happen. You’ll be provided with a regular income to match your level of salary before the event for a set period of time.